Born in Australia in 1968, actor Hugh Jackman first earned widespread attention by portraying the mutant Wolverine in the superhero blockbuster X-Men (2000). In addition to reprising the role though numerous prequels, sequels and spinoffs, Jackman has starred in such films as The Prestige (2006) and The Greatest Showman (2017), and garnered an Oscar nomination for his contributions to the big screen adaptation of Les Misérables (2012). The Australian actor has also earned acclaim for his stage work, winning a Tony Award in 2004 for his performance in The Boy from Oz.
Australian actor and producer Hugh Jackman is best known for playing Wolverine in the ‘X-Men’ film franchise. He’s also known for starring roles in features like ‘The Prestige’ and ‘Les Misérables,’ as well as his stage work.